Saturday, January 21, 2012

Because of Lyme

I can't believe it has been a week since I left Hansa. Where does the time go? I don't think I realized how different my life would be when I came home. One of the big reasons is because I have gone back to school. Not anything crazy, just one class. But for someone who has been living the life of the chronically ill this can monumental. I am taking a class because I want to which is also different for me. This is not out of necessity. Of course things are different too because I am healing. I am getting better. I still am not sure how to say I feel physically. I am still having a lot of my symptoms but a week later I would say they are less. Next week is my typically bad week so I am excited to see how it goes. Emotionally and mentally well the positive attitude thing is a bigger deal than I ever thought. It is an everyday struggle to not fall back into bad habits. I have to fight to keep  my mind in the right place all day long. I am finding though that I am happier. My husband certainly notices that difference. People seem to be nicer. I'm getting lots of smiles, and hellos, and people wanting to start up conversations. So I am now a true believer in the power of a positive attitude. Gosh I have so much I want to say about some life long friendships I have made, and details on what specifically has improved but I am going to save that for another day. I have been thinking all week about this experience, the power of the positive and how blessed I am and I started realizing there are a lot of things I have because of Lyme. I feel like they are important to share with you all. So here it goes.

Because of Lyme:
My faith in God grew
I've learned to give up control and totally rely on God
I've learned what is really important in life
I've learned what real friends are
Because of Lyme:
I am making healthier choices for myself and my family
I've seen a whole new side to medicine and healing
I've learned to be okay with needles
I've made some amazing new friends
Because of Lyme:
I've learned to be positive
I've learned that I am good an empathizing and sympathizing with people
I've found that I can be a great support to someone else
I've learned how to live with less
Because of Lyme:
I've learned to speak up for myself
I've been given the opportunity to chase my dreams
I've learned how truly blessed I am
I get to help lots of people

I guess I could go on and on, but the point is, Lyme has given me so much more positive than negative that I wouldn't trade it this experience even if I had the chance.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hansa Day 10- This is Only the Begining

A hindrance to everyday miracles is that everyone looks at the lives of the people around them and sees only mutual misery. When disease becomes the norm most accept the disease as their lot in life by saying, "Why should I strive for anything else?" You must separate yourself from what the world says is normal and align all that you are to what God says is true (Romans 12:2).- excerpt from Everyday Miracles by God's Design by Dr. David A Jernigan

I am officially done with my last day at the Hansa Center. I do believe I received an everyday miracle of healing here and I am more thankful than words can express for what I have experienced. Each day going forward, I am expecting continued healing in my body and I know things will only get better.

Again today it has been hard to put my finger on what is different, but things are changing. After talking with the doctor I agree that it is like an "energetic" shift I am feeling. If you just went down my list of 20 some odd symptoms and asked what was better I wouldn't say a whole lot. But there is this underlying feeling of health and vitality mixed with bouts of energy that has me bouncing off the walls like a kid on a sugar high. I had to fight to keep my mouth quiet and my talking to a minimum the entire day. There are a few friends and family out there that know exactly what I am talking about. I talk a mile a minute, about anything and everything and just wear people out. This feeling makes me smile though. It is just like about 8 or 9 months ago when I had a random episode like this. It was almost like going back 18 or 20 years. It reminds me of the true me that go lost in feeling bad. There is a reason multiple people over the course of my life "randomly" would nickname me Sunshine. Well my sunny disposition is back and I vow to never let it get lost through life's trials again.

I may have a long journey ahead of me to get to complete healing but I am well on my way and I am going to learn to live in the moment. Each moment is a gift and I am going to do my best to appreciate them and to share God's love and light with everyone I can. I am learning that I am someone who can feel other peoples energy as well. The benefit of that is that I can now let my positive energy overwhelm someones negative energy instead of letting them be a drain on me. I think it also allows me empathetic towards other people. Gods going to use me in big ways. I can't wait.

Besides all of my positive energy there are some things to share on a more physical level about where I go from here. First off, I have totally changed my view of medicine and how I will proceed in mine and my families overall health. Biological and energy medicine will become a big part of our lives for sure. More on that later though. As far as I go...the doctor feels I am stable. The goal, as I may have mentioned earlier, is to get you stable if not better before you leave. I am stable but certainly have areas that I will continue to heal in as we go. One of the surprising things to me though, is how well my body cooperated. The doctor got to do things he normally doesn't in someones first two weeks. I don't think I realized how strong my body is. Over the last few years, I had fallen prey to some ideas over how sick I was and what the chances were of me getting better. After all, we believe I have had Lyme for about 26 years and it's not curable so what will my new normal have to be? What a sad way of thinking. There is no reason why incredible health and great things are out of my reach and unavailable to me. I am not reduced to a life of pain, sadness, and IV antibiotics. For those of you who are chronically ill, guess what , you don't have to be either. You can be well. You need to expect "everyday miracles". We serve an awesome God and nothing is out of reach.

Sorry for getting off track. So back to treatment. The plan is for me to stay on my remedies/supplements for about 60 days. I am not going to start or stop any medications or supplements in this time barring emergencies of course. I will be using my sauna multiple times week if not daily as well as doing daily epsom salt baths. I will be continuing to see my acupuncturist and maybe a new chiropractor as needed probably once or twice a month. I will do the ionic foot baths and massage as I can. I will go back to biophoton light therapy as my doctor wants. Both doctors at Hansa seemed really impressed with my doc and I really see some great things happening between them all in the future. I am so glad that this is working out. I don't know if I will go back to my LLND or not. Right now I think things are covered but I do believe she is a great doctor and I am glad to have her as a resource.

As far as coming back to Hansa...the doctor would like me back in about 6 maybe 8 weeks. I need to have my port removed not because they said but because I am done with the IV's and I am not going back. I am also going to try and have my retainer removed. Interestingly enough, Dr. J thinks the removing the retainer could cause me more issues then having the port removed.

Your body doesn't pay attention to names. It doesn't know what we call the bacteria and it really doesn't care. So just like when I gave you my top ten lists that would work for my kids. Although they maybe able to confirm that Lyme bacteria is present I just want my kids healthy and I believe we can get a good head start with out antibiotics or invasive methods by bringing them here. I am not going to worry about how this may all come together. I am keeping the faith. God has been working behind the scenes with my family and some things and I know this is a big year for us. I couldn't be more excited about the future than I am right now. Oh, we did challenge my vagus nerve this morning and got a little something to resolve but it may not have any affect on my heart. Again, as I continue to heal new things may come up. We were certainly able to get beyond the top layer of my problems and as things get resolved new things could show them selves. Its not that they are just happening but more so that they are uncovered now that the more pressing and serious issues have been resolved.

Well, I am feeling like that is a good place to end for now. I still have some pictures to upload. I will end up blogging about my trip home and will certainly keep you posted on how I am feeling. I may just do it once a week for a little while to give us all a break. I wanted to take one minute and talk about some of my new friends. First off Caity (and her amazing mom Joni), Sabine (and her wonderful husband Jack) and I all came here and started treatment for the first time last week. We are have become good friends as we have shared our journeys together over the past two weeks. I am so blessed to have them in my life and am going to miss them all. Second the staff at Hansa are all amazing and I will miss them. Crystal, my massage therapist, is AMAZING (not just at what she does, but as a person). Thank you for the amazing work you did and how much you helped me. Lastly the other families and people I met this week have been incredible as well. Nothing but stories of love and healing pouring out of this place. Some new like me others back for their third or fourth time. Some with strokes and ms, lots with lyme, so many different stories each seeming to have their own everyday miracles. And all the glory goes to God. It is Him, working through people. This is an experience I will never forget and I will do whatever I can to help other people experience everyday miracles. You don't have to be sick or come here for miracles to happen. They can and do happen right where you are at in your life! Many thanks and love to all of the people who have supported me in prayer or through an encouraging words. It means so much. Check in with you all soon.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hansa Day 9- Short and Sweet

Be Still and know that I am God- Psalms 46:10

Other than excessive yawning, I haven't really had any symptoms today. I got through all of my treatments great. My foot bath was not as clear as yesterday but clearer than its been. The doctor lovingly "kicked" me out of my appointment early because he couldn't find much that needed attention right now. As I continue to heal, more things may come out. He challenged me to go and do something which would normally make my heart rate go up and see what happens. So I will climb some stairs a little later and see how my heart responds. This is more just to help us get to the root of the heart issues I was having. We will discuss it tomorrow and he may also stimulate my vagus nerve a little bit and see what we can get to show up. Other than that, at this moment in time, I am feeling great. I am so blessed. Thanks again for your support. Can't wait to tell you how my last day goes and how I feel tomorrow. Lots of people hear getting healed and still needing prayers. Love you all!

 "Thank you Lord for what you've done for me. Thank you Lord for what you're doing now. Thank you Lord for every little thing. Thank you Lord for you make me sing"- from Bob Marley, Thank You Lord

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hansa Day 8- My Ancestors

The heart of the wise teaches the heart and adds understanding to the lips- Psalm 16:23

Today was another interesting day. In fact I don't think any day here is not interesting. As has been the norm I didn't sleep great. I usually feel my best in the morning, after I get up and get going. So although I was tired I didn't feel too bad. The first thing I did was the Ionic foot bath. I always look doing that later in the day because I have usually stirred some things up and then I am removing them in the foot bath. So I wasn't sure what this mornings would look like. It pulled hardly anything out. To me that means one of two things- it didn't have anything to pull out since I did one later in my day yesterday or I am really making progress. Hopefully I will be able to tell by what tomorrows looks like.

I was tired but still had that kind of energized feeling at the same time. My brain was definitely having problems today. My head was spinning with thoughts and I couldn't read to save my life. I would one sentence and not retain any of it so I would read it again and again. It was very frustrating but maybe part of the retracing process. I could also tell that I am starting to get "hyper" in my talking. I am talking faster and more so that is definitely some of the old me coming back. Good or bad...I guess I will know when I talk to my husband.

By the time the afternoon came I seemed to quickly go down hill. I had a couple of dizzy episodes, and my  arms and legs just seemed week. My forearms hurt a little. My heart had been acting up a little and I had some shortness of breath. So that was perfect timing for me to see the doctor. My left shoulder started burning right after I got on the table so he worked on that to release some tension. Then we did more neurophoton therapy involving delta waves (I believe). This is what helps me stay asleep. We definitely had some things to resolve there. I only had to take about half as many homeopathics as yesterday but I did come away with a new remedy. This one is for myasims. Not sure on the spelling. Basically these are things my ancestors have passed down through the generations "energetically". So diseases or problems my ancestors had, would be passed on in the form of energy that imprints on the cells. They may or may not manifest symptoms but by resolving these, we can hopefully keep them from passing on (if I were to have more children) and they may resolve current symptoms. Basically we came up with syphilis which is really common in most families, cancer, and something that dealt with OCD, alcoholism, etc...Dr. J even said I could have obtained some of that from my husbands ancestry as well. Anyways, it was really interesting. Glad we got some of those things resolved.

Overall a good day and I still feel like we are making progress. The doctor certainly believes we are. I feel lucky that I am moving on to things a lot of people don't get to do this visit. I am looking forward to feeling better with each passing day. Thanks for following along. Keep the prayers coming, especially for sleep.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hansa Day 7- Something has Shifted

I can't believe I only have 3 days left. I miss my family terribly but in some ways I am not ready to leave behind the daily routine I have come to enjoy. If I could only have both!

Well today has been an interesting day. Indescribable almost. I feel like something has shifted, something has changed but I can't put my finger on it. I believe though it is something good. I believe I am getting better. I had problems falling asleep again last night. It had to be close to 1 am before I finally started to drift off. Of course I was tired due to not getting enough sleep. I did feel much more at rest today though and could relax during my treatments. The bummer is I didn't get a massage today but all of my other treatments were relaxing like they have been. Although I didn't have that wired feeling like I did yesterday there is still some strange "energy" despite being tired. My mood or emotions still seem somewhat stirred up from yesterday but its good. When I went in and saw the doctor I didn't get my notebook out. He questioned that a little and I told him right away that things were a little strange today. Things were changing but I couldn't exactly describe it. I told him that as I ran over the list of my symptoms in my head, I think I had every single symptom at least once today. But it didn't last. They came and went in the most random way. I had my own ideas on why and he seemed to agree. My body could be retracing each of these and maybe it is kind of saying good bye. It is almost like checking it one last time to make sure it has been fixed. So we shall see. That makes it hard to say that I feel better or great because I have had symptoms all day long but I definitely feel different in a good way. Dr. J asked a little about the emotional stuff from yesterday. I told him during my massage I found myself thinking of the most random and not so great moments in my life. I realized it must have been from our treatment and he agreed. He said he didn't want to get to personal but asked if they were events or how would I describe them (my thoughts)...definitely events and people that I knew I had some stuff I needed to let go of. He told me to not be shocked if these people and I had some sort of contact. My response to that was I'm going to pray that doesn't happen. We laughed a little but he shared some stories and reasons as to why. We just agreed that I will not be surprised and I will handle the situations with love. One of the crazy things about this topic is it fell right in line with Dr. Jernigans (the other docs)book I have been reading called Everyday Miracles by God's Design. Once again, God's timing is perfect. I really had some break through regarding my life, how I have been living and how God wants me to live. Lots of love and positive thinking in my future. Hopefully I will be able to share more on that topic another time.

Dr. Jowdy explained how the goal is to get you feeling better or at least stable before you leave. It sounded like he believed I was reaching a stable level and that he had reached the minimum goals he had for me so we were able to move on and dig a little deeper. What a blessing for sure. We did some similar things like we did with the flower essence yesterday but it was for allergies. He couldn't come up with food issues or allergies for me. So he said that the "hay fever" stuff I have may go away. He wasn't picking anything up and as we have corrected other things it may have solved these issues as well. I did test negatively to vitamin B stuff which was kind of weird. I told him I never had a negative reaction that I knew of from taking anything. Either way it was resolved with some homeopathics. We did more light and neurophoton therapy getting into deeper layers so to speak. I ended up taking about 15 different homeopathics that were just indicated (by my body) for one time. I am definitely excited to see how I feel tomorrow. The neurophoton therapy involves some muscle testing so it is absolutely crazy to see instant results in the test. I am dying on the table wishing all of my family and friends could be witnessing this. Believe, it is my mission to come back for even just 2 or 3 days with my husband and kids in the next few months. I can't wait for us all to experience great health. I really feel like we have been given a gift and me coming here is just the beginning.

Well off to dinner and hopefully and a decent bedtime. Which reminds me I need to tell you what came up in regards to the sleep issue. We discussed when I was typically falling asleep and according to the one chart it could be a gallbladder issue. He definitely picked up on some issues in my gallbladder so I am hoping we resolved those and I will be sleeping better tonight. Keep the prayers coming, not just for me but for my two new friends that have been here with me. There blessings are taking a little longer to show up. Thanks and lots of love for your support of me and family.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Hansa Day 6- Tired and Wired

It's late and I need to get some sleep so I am going to try and make this short. Well short for me anyways. I have had a horrible time with insomnia. Compared to some of my friends my trouble sleeping is nothing but it has definitely been rough the past few nights. I am sure I didn't get to bed before midnight the last three nights, I guess it would 4 counting tonight. In fact I didn't go to sleep until about 2:30 this morning. It is driving me nuts. Once I am asleep though, I do seem to be sleeping better than normal. Needless to say I was tired today. At least my day ended early so I go almost a 2 hr. nap. This week is much busier than last and the owner/head doctor is in this week. I am hoping I get a chance to chat with him even if its for a minute.

I started this morning off by seeing the doctor. He did some minor work with the percussor on my upper back and neck area. Then we went into something called bio coherence. Basically it involved the BRS to see first if my cells were able to communicate and second if there were speaking the same language. That uncovered a lot of messed up stuff. I took a one time homeopathic remedy and he proceeded to make me another remedy to add to my list. This one however I will not refill. Once my bottle is gone, I will be done. Because of some energy level stuff Dr. J wanted me to increase the one pill I take from once a day to twice a day. No big deal. Once we finished with the bio coherence we went on to some emotional stuff. I honestly forgot what they call this but they are a couple of things they will be looking at today we used flower essence to check for emotional things. The four or five emotional issues that came forward were pretty interesting and I guess looking back tonight I see how they were right on. Those emotional issues were playing a part in my bodies ability to heal. Bringing those to the surface added some more things to my new remedy so it now contained 13 different things in one bottle. The cool thing was, after we got that cleared up, I no longer needed to take those additional pills. Dr. J said there was some clearing out in my adrenals and hopefully this will help the energy/vitality stuff. I feel like my body is cooperating pretty well with the plan and things are moving along fairly well. That makes me happy of course. As far as the emotional things go, I may or may not feel anything. So two things happened after seeing the doctor. I was super tired and yawning a lot but at the same time I felt wired for a little bit. Some of the treatments that usually put me to sleep or almost to sleep I could not rest. So kind of weird to be tired and wired and at the same time. But maybe that is a sign of things to come. Then during my massage, it was also hard to relax and I was thinking of some random and not so great stuff. I realized that this was probably a release from the emotional stuff. It was all starting to make sense. It was kind  of enlightening. I do some things to deal with or let go off. Hopefully this new remedy will help.

To end with I want to go over my top 20 list of problems. This is what I mentioned I was going to ask the doctor to go over with me from my first day. It is actually two top 10 lists. I will just run down the lists and will probably have more information on it later on in the weak. Oh and before I forget my massage therapist said her type of massage is called "custom"...she uses all the techniques as I need. Her suggestion is to go the schools when I get back and want a massage. They will be trained in it all and I will be good practice for them and they are cheaper. Good idea. Ok back to the lists.

Top 10 organs in order of most important to least (again this is what the body revealed to the doctor on the first day in the BRS)
1. Adrenals 2. Spleen 3. Liver 4. Heart 5. Ovaries 6. Pituitary 7. Pineal 8. Hypo-thalmus 9. Thyroid 10. Bladder

Top 10 chemical/nutritional issues body revealed in order of most to least important
1. Virus (things like EBV, HHV6, and my pneumonia's) 2. Bacteria (Lyme, etc) 3. Deficiency (I am deficient in something...could be the Vit d) 4. Toxicity 5. Hormones (Interesting that ovaries and hormones are both number 5) 6. Enzymes 7. Metabolic (absorption) 8. Yeast 9. Fungus 10. Allergies

So that is it for tonight. Now to try and go to sleep in the next hour or so. At least I don't have to get up to early. I don't go in until 10 and don't even see the doctor until 4 so tomorrow will be a late day. Thanks for following along on my journey. Keep the prayers coming.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hansa- Some Explanations

For many of you this post will be one you just skip because it might not be exciting. For some of you this may be what you really want to know. My plan is to put together as much information as I can find and feel up to about Hansa, the doctors, the treatments, the science, etc...I have so much still to learn. Believe me, this is a whole new way of thinking for most of us. Like I said before, this is really opening my eyes to a different approach to how my family and I live. It is a lot to absorb but I hope you get something out of it.

Dr. Jernigan (the founder/owner of Hansa) is nationally recognized as a leader in Biological Medicine and treatment of chronic illness.
( Biological medicine is holistic in that it holds the view that the living system is a matrix of interconnectedness- physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Self-healing is the primary goal.

Dr. Jerinigans philosophy and the goal of Hansa: Providing treatment and education that works with God's natural design of the body, empowering the body to heal itself. I believe that true healing cannot occur by simply masking symptoms, so we seek to treat the cause of the illness utilizing extensive, non-invasive treatment in conjunction with supplements to help the body rid itself of disease. "Health in a bottle" is a myth- if you must continually take a pill, it is not correcting what is necessary for your body to heal. (This is a large part of what drew me to the Hansa Center)

CRT- Computerized Regulation Thermography is the first test you do at Hansa and is very revealing. Here is a website that explains it really well.

Bio-Resonnance Scanning is the second test done at Hansa. The test or type of testing is used continually throughout your time there by the doctor and massage therapist. They use it to determine things wrong and what your body needs. BRS enables the dcotor to determine highly specific information- not only the presence of a pathology, but its degree of priority for healing in the patients body. You can visit this link for some more information  One of the reasons I loved this test was because Dr. Jowdy was able to determine the top 10 issues that needed to be addressed in order based on what my body told him. I am going to ask him to run down that list of 10 things we made on the first day so I can share that with you.

Here is a list of the treatments utilized at Hansa, along with websites for vendors they use. Again detox is a priority:

FIR Sauna- I have talked about this plenty. Used to help the body detox. I have been in there for 30 minutes almost every day.

Ion Cleanse Footbath-Basically an array placed in the water creates negatively and positively charged ions in the water which neutralize charged particles in the body. The charged particles are then pulled out through osmosis and diffusion. Really would like to get one of these to use for the whole family .

ST8- A machine used to help the lymphatic system function properly and dump all of the junk out of your system. It uses four different therapies. 1. Cold-gas photo therapy: Photons pass through an intricate glass coil filled with 5 noble gases. The energized photons liquefy old gelatinous or mucus material to open clogged lymph drainage. 2. Scalar potentials: Opens up and separates old cells in the lymph tissues that are stuck together, and plumps up old damaged cells of the lymph nodes, so that there is room for the lymph fluid to wash around the cells, clearing the toxins out of the area. Known to block the frequencies of negative emotions, making it difficult to think negatives, and they have been shown to dramatically boost the immune system and the body's overall energy production. 3. Transdermal ozone therapy: Provides oxygen to the tissues. Ozone is a molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms loosely stuck together. This ozone is almost instantly converted into separate oxygen atoms in the body. Increase oxygen to a cell, and you increase its ability to function properly. Oxygen may also help kill any anaerobic bacteria, and some types of cancer are impeded by the presence of oxygen. 4. Rife frequency generator: Constantly broadcasts and sweeps through many different electromagnetic frequencies, each of which performs a different task. Many of the frequencies are believed to energize specific tissues in the body, while others have been shown to destroy various viruses and bacteria, which is a good thing when attempting to take the strain off of your lymphatic system.

Bio Mat- I truly love this thing. The massage therapists use it on their tables. So you lay down for your massage on this amazing heated mat. Would love one of these too. The mat uses FAR infrared light, negative ions, and amethyst quartz to basically open pathways and promote DNA repair.

Essential Oils and supplements- Used mostly in massage therapy but also by the doctor. They are supposed to do some great things. They test my body using BRS to see what it is saying it needs. They are usually really soothing and smell good.

LUX- This machine basically uses gemstones and colored filters with light to target different areas of the body and promote healing. I don't have a website for a specific vendor or that Hansa

Theralumen- This is the one machine I don't like. It is a pain to use. You have to hold it in your mouth, kind of under your tongue but it can't touch anything either. You use it about 15 minutes at a time. It is a type of laser light therapy. I believe it helps kill bacteria, etc...

Massage- I keep forgetting to ask my therapist what type of massage she does. She uses some different techniques than what I am used to and as I said before she really works some stuff out. She is awesome and that is probably my favorite therapy. I will get more information for you. I know she helps with muscle tension of course, but she also gets things moving and I believe helps move some of the lymph fluid and other stuff along.

Water- There is an amazing "water fountain" in the lobby of Hansa. I so want one. Not only is it healthy water is so cool to look at. I believe the water we drink at Hansa is considered living water. I will post a picture of the water fountain at some point but you may see one on their website. Here is a picture of the fountain

I know I could go into a lot more about energy medicine, bio-photons, the medical uses of light but I think this is enough for now. It comes down to light, love, and being positive.  There is a book I was told to check out called that I believe is called Messages in the Water. Anyways, it talks about waters makeup etc...and how research shows being positive, negative, an so on towards water can affect the actual water crystals. A lot of the girls are walking around with positive messages on their water bottles. May be worth a try. I will have to look it up but thought you might look to check it out as well. So enough for today. I am doing ok. I have a slight headache on and off,some pain, all the normal stuff. Other than standing up straighter, having an easier time regulating temperature (my feet are a little cold today), and having less muscle tension in my shoulders, I don't "feel" much different. However, I know we are making some progress and it took my a long time to feel this bad so I know the changes I notice may not be over night. Still have high hopes and I am glad I had the chance to come.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hansa Day 5- Half Way Through

Well my first week of treatment is done. What an experience this has been. I slept a little better last night but I still woke up tired. I also had the creepy crawly and weak feeling in my arms and legs but especially in my right forearm. When I have that feeling I usually end up of having a twitching/seizure episode. This morning was no different. It started a little while after I got to the center. I decided to push through it during my first treatment because I was going to see the doctor next. It wasn't horrible but I didn't want it to get any worse. As happens sometimes they ended up having to switch my schedule and I was going in for a massage and not seeing the doctor until after lunch. In order to try and calm things down I had to take some magnesium. I didn't want to accidentally punch my therapist. Luckily between the magnesium and the massage things calmed down. It ended up being a busy morning and I didn't get much of a break for lunch.

When I did my foot bath today it was a little different and I seemed to be getting rid of some yeast and cellular debris plus some heavy metals. Just more detoxing which is always good. When I went into to see Dr. J we went over my symptoms as usual and I told him about the seizure and the awful feeling in my arms and legs. He went to work using the percussor and the BRS. It was discovered that I had a tilted sacrum (I believe that is how he put it). It took us quite a while to get it back into place. We then worked on my right shoulder which didn't get much attention the other day due to my port. he carefully worked around it and we definitely seemed to make some progress moving things around. Hopefully that will help with the weak feeling. Although as I type this I can feel it coming back in both of my arms. We will see how things go over the weekend.

We then did some interesting neurophoton therapy with colored lights. I guess my body wasn't really absorbing red light. So seeing red light stressed me out even though I was testing deficient in it. We did the same with blue and green light which wasn't as bad as the red but needed some correction. When that process was done it opened up some new heart issues. I tested for a new remedy to be added that is supposed to help with chest pain and shortness of breath caused by cardiac asthma. I am glad we are getting somewhere with my heart. I am hoping this helps of course. I asked Dr. J if he had pinpointed what was causing my heart issues. He said no but basically for me they were able to get the microbes, bacteria, etc...under control and this is what he considered damage control. He said for many of their patients this is what ends up happening. The therapies and remedies show those causes are under control and maybe not causing any more  damage so when things show up as problems now it is damage that has been caused already. I am starting to believe that the sinus tachycardia has always been there, maybe since I was born, but wasn't bothersome so they it would have never been treated. Then over the course of my life getting different viruses or things like Lyme, they found the weakness in my heart and went there and caused some damage. What will be interesting is if this is damage that can be repaired like will I test that it is gone next week. I mean I have seen a lot of cardiologist and none of the tests they have done are showing any visible damage to them so I am not sure if this is something can even be picked up by them or just through energy medicine. I can't wait to see how things go.

As for now, I am tired, with a little headache and just kind of sore. I am going to dinner with my new friends who I have been blessed with having met here. The plan for the weekend is lots of rest, hydration, and detox baths. I did get some some copies of some of my test results to share with you and the cool thing is I will get a copy of my whole file before I leave. I also got a sheet on the ST8 lymph machine I will share with you. Hopefully I will have lots of pictures for you this weekend.

Continue the prayers, not only for me but the other two girls here. It has been a rough week on all of us but we are optimistic. Our healing is coming!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hansa Day 4- Marching to the Beat of a Different Drum

Today has been a little rough although I made some good progress. I don't know why it is but when fatigue is front and center it certainly makes everything else harder to deal with. I had a really rough time falling asleep last night. Finally I did and I slept better than my average but not as good as the night before. I woke up really tired. It wasn't evident immediately but within an hour I knew that this would be one of my rough days. As I explained to the doctor, if I was at home I would be napping today. So being so tired definitely set the tone for my day.

I started with a machine called the ST8 for the lymphatic system. Like I said yesterday I am going to try and come up with some good in depth descriptions of each of these therapies this weekend. In any case, this helps get the lymph system moving all of the junk out. It uses 4 different methods. I remember 3 of them at the moment. A lot of my friends with Lyme will understand what these mean. This machine uses cold-gas photon therapy, a form of ozone, and rife frequencies. I need my doc in San Diego to get one of these. Then I went in for my massage. I told my awesome massage therapist how she was right on with what oils I needed yesterday. I also showed her the nice bruise that had developed on my back in the area of my colon. These massages aren't the typical total relaxing kind in a day spa. They are there to do some business and even though at times it hurts I push through it and I think it has paid off. I can literally feel knots and tension breaking up under her fingers at times. The best thing about the massage is this thing called a biomat. I am determined to get one someday. It is a mat that uses infrared technology, amethyst crystals and is heated. To lay on in it is amazing. Love it. I did the lux next which is the gemstone light therapy. That one is really relaxing.

After lunch I met with Clark I mean Dr. Jowdy. We discussed symptoms which of course was fatigue and tiredness, some muscle aches, I had developed some sinus stuff and jaw teeth pain since my massage, and muscle spasms. The usual really. We were focusing on the cranial sacral (I'm sure it is spelled wrong) fixations today. Dr. J used the tool called the percussor again. It is like the action of a jackhammer but with a mallet instead if that makes any sense. It basically beats on you which usually feels more like a vibration. It helps to align things. This is what he used to help move my organs back to their rightful place. So in addition to the spine and all he was going to focus mostly on my skull/head and where the plates of my skull may be bound. It the areas that are bound up the machine jumps up and down and as it releases it moves into the vibrating feeling. Believe it or not it didn't hurt. It actually felt good in some spots. He worked on my sinuses the same. Then he went back and moved my spine, pelvis, and even each tooth (those he did with his finger) and beat on my head again to release anything that had bound back up by what he touched. When it hits the bound up parts you almost feel like your head is a drum and someone is beating on it. Every ones head would certainly have it's own beat based on what was bound up. It was really interesting.

He did some muscle testing as well and tested some stuff with my eyes. Those can be crazy because you can see instant results when something is fixed. I took two different homeopathic remedies that my body indicated I only needed once and and issue with my eyes and another thing were fixed instantly. The doctor was very impressed overall and said that my body took over and corrected somethings on it's own so he got to jump ahead. That made me smile. Last he had me get up and do a couple of balance tests that we did on the first day. Night and day difference on my ability to balance on one leg. It was almost unbelievable. So I am making  progress it seems. We also discussed having this permanent retainer removed while I am here. It really depends on cost but I have had it for about 20 yrs and I have wanted it out. It has been hard to find a dentist to remove it and then it is usually more than I wanted to pay. Although Dr. J doesn't feel it is a huge interference things like retainers and braces have caused huge issues and it would be great to do final cranial fixations adjustments with it out. So we will see if we can pull that off. I finished up the sauna and foot bath. I am not feeling horrible and I obviously have made some improvements. My feet weren't really cold today either so I count that as a step in the right direction. I can even tell I am standing up straighter without much effort. I am really just worn out, a little sore, and have a pesky headache starting to come back. I am hoping to eat dinner and have much better luck sleeping tonight. Hopefully I will feel better in the morning. I am still really so excited and thankful to be here and I am learning so much everyday. Let me just say that my mind and way of thinking about health, western medicine, etc...has completely changed. I am really go do some things different for myself and my family. Don't hesitate to leave me messages, ask questions, and of course keep up the prayers. Love ya all.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hansa Day 3- Body Language

Today marks the end of day three and I must admit I am feeling ok. In fact a thing or two may even be a little bit better. Despite an excruciating headache last night, I feel asleep easier than the night before and slept really well with out waking up a bunch. That is a big deal for me since I usually am awake through out the night. Weather it has to do with my new supplement or not I don't know for sure but I will take it regardless. Also for the second day in a row my feet haven't been cold. I know for many of you that sounds silly but when you are cold and your feet are chilled inside your Uggs in a house that is 72 degrees to the point that you have to get into a hot bath multiple times a day to get warm then this is a big deal. So yay for warm feet. The joint and muscle pain that was really bad has eased up as well. So far I am really impressed with everything.

Today was very similar to the last two days. My treatments don't vary much other than their order and the areas of the body they are targeting. Maybe this weekend I will take the time to write up a little definition of each treatment. I realize that I have not explained all of them adequately. Anyways, I really wanted to tell you a little more about the bio-resonance scanning or as I call it sign language for the body. This technique of asking the body questions is done a couple of times a day. The massage therapist uses it to determine what essential oils you may need and what things may be going wrong. It was so interesting because I had my massage this morning and the first thing she told was that I needed something for gastro stuff. (TMI coming) I told her my digestion was actually doing better but she said, well your body still says it needs it. Then I told her that I was having some cramps and ovary pain that wasn't normal this time of the month. She said that is all related. Then she told me I needed some stuff for sore muscles. I hadn't even told her my my arms and legs were really achy but she knew. I am believing more and more every day. The even crazier thing was tonight I did get kind of sick to my stomach. So my body told her before me. Crazy! I was also having some low back pain. She worked a lot on that area and said she felt like it was not all muscle but that I might have a descended colon, so my colon had dropped. That was confirmed a little later by the doc.

I went and saw the doctor after my massage. We discussed symptoms and what had improved then it was time for some work. He did some BRS and and some more myofascial release with the percussor (?). Her went beyond my spine this time and worked on the arms and legs and the organs. He agreed with the colon and it seems like most of my organs were out of place. He fixed it while I was laying down but when I sat up the organs moved again so he did the therapy while I was sitting up. Then we discussed treating my scars. I did tell him, that my scars had been treated with the light therapy at my doctors but he wanted to do them again using his procedure to make sure they were clear. First he determined which of my four needed attention. It was only my thyroid and my port scar that needed work. We used the laser, oil, and a special pen type device that send a tiny shock to clear up any bound energy in these scars. Although the pen thing was a little uncomfortable he had an amazing way to show me it worked. This blew me away. Dr. J brought out this doll that sings when you hold her hands. She has two little metal buttons so to speak on her hands and when you hold them in yours you complete the circuit and she begins singing. (I think it was ring around the rosie) Then I held one hand, he held one hand and then touched me with the other and she sang again. This showed that we could complete the circuit together. Then he repeated this and touched me along my thyroid scar, she wouldn't sing but made some static noise. Then he did this on my port scar and there was nothing. So he treated my scars, and repeated the test with the doll and this time she sang on my thyroid scar and made static on my port scar. It was very cool. I am learning so much and totally believe in energy medicine. You would almost have to see this for your self. Tomorrow we are going to treat some cranial-sacral issues that are effecting my brain and what not. So I am sure I will have a lot to report tomorrow. I have a slight headache creeping back, but overall I don't feel to bad. I detoxed a bunch of lymph, joint, and I thing gallbladder stuff out of my foot bath today. I will be detoxing myself and my family from here on out. Everyone needs to do it. There are going to be some major changes in our house about food choices, chemicals, use of plastics, etc...It is crazy how much junk we are exposed to and what it does to us.

With that I am off to detox in the bath and get some much needed rest. Here is to another night of improving sleep and no more cold feet! As always, thanks for the support.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hansa Day 2- The Proof is in the Water

Be still and know that I am God.- Psalm 46:10

Day two is coming to a close and I am ready for bed. I'm sorry if this ends up being a short update but I am still a little on information overload and am really tired. I also have a horrible headache which I can't seem to figure out if it is sinus, tension, or both. Just one for thing for them to tackle tomorrow.

So today I started out by seeing my doctor, Dr. Jowdy (he reminds me of Clark Kent a little). If he helps me get me better he really will be Superman. Anyways, there were a couple of things I forgot to mention yesterday that popped into my head that the doctor had mentioned. To start, when doing the second test yesterday Dr. J was able to determine that both of my shoulders are out of alignment, my right wrist and left ankle are out of alignment and I have 37 pelvic misalignment's. During the CRT he was impressed with how my thyroid responded being that I only have half left. To digress for just a minute, when I was a senior in high school, my mom noticed a lump in my neck. Long story short it was a non-malignant tumor that had to be removed and it took the right side of my thyroid with it. I have not been on thyroid medication until about 6 yrs ago. The only reason I was put on it was because I was growing more tumors even though the "function" was considered normal. I needed to keep my levels in a certain range to prevent tumor growth (at least that is what I was told). So during my second test, the bio-resonance scan, it was determined that there was cell replication at a faster than normal rate going on in my thyroid. That basically indicates more tumor growth. The hope was to slow or stop it before I left. So going back to today we tested my supplements and medications. Keep in mind I am on almost nothing right now, compared to what I was and I am okay with that. I don't know how much anything was helping. So in testing, (the brs again) it was determined that I did need my thyroid medication. However, when Dr. J picked out and tested my homeopathic supplements my test for the thyroid medication changed to not needing it. AND the replication no longer existed. So basically, I may be able to stop the thyroid med and not grow anymore tumors. Crazy I know but amazing at the same time. Basically we ran through what needed to be dealt with through the scan and I think viruses then bacteria and what ever else. So I started my supplements right there in the office and I believe I will be tested everyday to see how things are progressing. Then my treatment will be tailored to that.

My treatments today were essentially the same. I added the FAR sauna and the UVinator (I think that's the name). The massage was good. Dr J did do some adjustments today and some myofascial release. It was a different kind of chiropractics then I was used. Basically everything revolves around energy. It was good. I had problems going to bed last night but once I fell asleep I think I slept better. That is one little improvement. We decided we will only discuss my ongoing everyday symptoms during my daily doctors appointment. He won't bring up the symptoms that only happen occasionally. I have to let him know what is going on. It is all part of being positive. I believe I will get better. It will happen. That makes me excited. I have also had a wonderful time meeting some other patients including a family who is here for their teenage daughter dealing with Lyme. I had met them before we came on one of the Lyme groups and it has been so great to be able to talk with them in person. What an amazing journey this is for all of us.

I did the Ionic foot bath again today with different results. I took more pictures that I will post at some point. It is so cool to see it directly relates to how you are feeling or things the doctor is targeting. I had major toxins from the joints, which made sense because my joints were killing me this afternoon and this evening. I also had a lot of lymphatic stuff which we targeted today. So I guess that is about it for now. This headache is still nagging and I would like to try and sleep it off with out taking anything so a quick bath and off to bed. Until tomorrow...thanks again for the prayers, support and kind words. They are such a help and encouragement.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hansa Day 1- Information Overload

"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jerimiah 29:11

I have always loved this verse and it seems to so fitting as to have popped up the last couple of days. I believe it is God's way of giving me hope. This verse is even in the Hansa Center lobby. I saw it when I walked in this morning and it gave me instant peace. Out of everything I took into today, that verse sticks out the most.

Today was indescribable. I don't know exactly what I was expecting but I know I got so much more than I thought possible. I had not even started any treatments and I was ready to scream to the world, you need to come here. How soon could I book my whole family a trip to come out here and get healthy. I realized very early in my day that I needed to clarify what I am really doing here in Kansas. I am not here for Lyme Disease treatment. I am here to restore my bodies balance and achieve optimum. It may sound strange, but ultimately the doctors at the Hansa Center don't care too much about what specifically is causing your body to malfunction. They care about restoring it's function. I mean they do look at viruses, bacteria, chemical issues, etc...but if you don't have a clue what is wrong with you, you could come here and never know for sure it was Lyme, or EBV or whatever but you would be know bacteria or a virus caused certain things to go wrong and you would work on restoring it. I guess what I am saying is the "name" is not really the issue. This goes along well with the positive attitude that Hansa strives for. I do need to stop identifying myself by my disease. I am not a "lymie" any longer.

As my title implies, I am on information overload. I wish I would have written everything down that the doctor said or recorded it because by the end of the day, it is somewhat of a blur. I am going to do my best to give you a brief rundown of what happened. If I tried to tell you everything in detail, I wouldn't be done blogging by the time I needed to go back tomorrow.

First thing was my CRT test. This involved taking my temperature at over 100 points on the body, subjecting me to cool temperatures for 10 minutes and retaking the temperature at those same points. You know I don't hold back so be ready for TMI. You had to show up this morning with no shower, no deodorant, no teeth brush, and for girls no bra. Yay! Just how I want to start my morning. Anyways, you just had to stay that way until the CRT test was done. Then you could take care of those things. I was the first one in for testing and the first to meet with the doctor to discuss my results. This was probably the most telling test I have ever done. What this test revealed was amazing. It was very evident which systems are off in my body. Long story short, it was confirmatory on a number of things and revealing in some others. The two stand out things I can think of are that my thyroid is doing really well despite only having half of it and maybe I can end up getting off of my thyroid medication. Second alot of my issues especially brain and neurological related are most likely due to CCSVI or chronic cebrospinal venous insufficiency. I have heard of this briefly before but didn't have a clue I might have it. I should know more by the end of my two weeks if the doctors believe I do indeed have it. My symptoms and tests are screaming it so far. If I do, that will involve some in depth testing and procedures probably in Las Vegas. I did briefly read tonight that there is a belief that this is one of the main causes of MS. I am not scared though. I am so excited to feel like we have more information. After reviewing symptoms, concerns, and the CRT the doctor did Bio-resonance scanning. It is almost like a really in depth form of muscle testing. Again, God prepared me for this. A few years ago, I would have walked out of the office thinking this doctor was nuts. God's timing is perfect, what else can I say. That testing basically gave the doctor the top 10 issues to work on. I do have issues with liver, spleen, heart, viruses, adrenals, sympathetic nervous system, and ammonia in the heart and brain among other things. I knew my adrenals were shot and had suspicions on my nervous system. Basically the whole morning was confirmatory and enlightening. I left feeling more hope than I ever had. I basically gave them a lot to work with. :) As the doctor said about my CRT, I don't want to say its abnormal, but it is certainly different. That is me. Normal is boring!

On a side note, my hotel is awesome. I went to "Green Acres" just like a Sprouts to get some groceries but my hotel does serve a breakfast everyday and dinner I think Monday thru Thursday. The weather is beautifully cold. Hansa is directly next door so I walk about 30 seconds to get there. Miss my family like crazy but enjoying the time to focus on my health. Now I need to get to bed and get some much needed rest. I am really tire and my body needs to heal. Taking lost of pictures I will try to post at some point. Not super tech savy but will try. Anyways, I'll check into tomorrow. Thanks for following along and for all of the prayers and support.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

What A Day

I made it. I am safely in Wichita, Kansas, cuddled up in my bed, and ready for sleep. Today has been a whirl wind of craziness. I wanted to give you a quick update on the start of trip but I am going to make it short. Tomorrow is a big day. I had trouble sleeping last night as the my emotions got the best of me. So between not sleeping well and getting up at 3:45 am to go to the airport, I knew it was going to be a long day. The craziness began first thing as the fog had caused my 6:25 am flight to Denver to be cancelled. From what I was hearing, people were not being booked on a new flight for at least day if not two or three. I was on the verge of tears 10 minutes after getting to the airport. I prayed about it, talked with my husband and used the 1hour and 20 minutes I was in line to calm down and remember God had a plan. I was greeted by a friendly and sweet Frontier airline clerk who did all the she could to make sure I would make it to Kansas today. Long story short I left the San Diego airport at about 8:00 or so with two boarding passes in hand a hour and a half drive upto John Wayne Airport in Orange County. I now went from Orange County,Ca to Dallas, Tx and finally to Wichita, KS landing shortly after 9:00 pm. What a day. This isn't the start I wanted to have to my trip but I am blessed to have made it here safe and sound and it's all part of the plan. The hotel is great but more on that later. I am just happy to be getting settled in. Off to dream land and hopefully lots to say tomorrow.